Our team

Andi Wirawan

Chief Executive Officer

A chief executive officer is the highest-ranking executive in a company, whose primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors.
Best in management

Ni Made Sri Puspadi, S.E., S.H.

Corporate Director

A corporate director is an elected or appointed member of a corporation's board of directors whose responsibilities include monitoring the firm's activities and shaping the firm's strategy to protect shareholder interests.
Legality expert

Cening Sudiantara

Corporate Commissioner

The corporate commissioner regulates the public service utilities corporations, specifically over the quality of service they provide and the rates charged to customers. Additional duties include facilitating the incorporation of businesses and organizations, securities regulation and railroad/pipeline safety.
Best in relationship

And 10 others employee

We've 10 others employee that working in every their field of our services.
Trust, accurate, experienced. Any questions?

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